The Gendered Dimensions of Employment-Related
Geographical Mobility
Wednesday, March 19, 12-2:00 pm
Memorial University, Education Building, Rm ED 3023
As part of the Department of Sociology Speakers Series, Dr. Barb Neis, On the Move Project Director, and
Dr. Michael Haan, On the Move Statistics Component Team Lead, will present an overview of the On the Move Partnership and a summary description of the conceptual framework, followed by a discussion of our findings from an analysis of census data on the gendered dimensions of employment-related geographical mobility. We will show how both individual and spousal characteristics affect an individual’s decision to commute, hypothesizing that since most bargaining around time allocation and workforce attachment occurs within the household, the ability to travel for work depends not only on the type of job a person has, but also on household and spousal characteristics.
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