On the Move Project Director Barbara Neis (Ph.D., C.M., F.R.S.C.) is John Lewis Paton Distinguished University Professor at Memorial University of Newfoundland. In 2018, Professor Neis was awarded (jointly with Dr. Christina Murray of UPEI), the Vanier Institute of the Family Mirabelli-Glossop Award for distinguished contribution to the work of the Institute. She co-founded and co-directed the SafetyNet Centre for Occupational Health and Safety Research at Memorial for almost two decades and is a past president of the Canadian Association for Research on Work and Health. Recently retired from the Department of Sociology (Honorary Professor), she is also a Member of the Order of Canada, a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada and a member of the Scientific Advisory Committee of the Council of Canadian Academies. Professor Neis has worked for almost three decades in multi-disciplinary teams carrying out research in marine and coastal contexts including on social and environmental change, occupational health and safety and mobile work. She is currently leading the stream on policy and practice and return to work in the mobile labour force within Katherine Lippel’s Partnership grant and a co-investigator in the Canada First Research Excellence Fund supported Ocean Frontier Institute where she is heading up research on aquaculture occupational health and safety.
Selected publications:
Neis, Barbara, Kerri Neil and Katherine Lippel. (2020). “Mobility in a Pandemic: COVID-19 and the Mobile Labour Force Working Paper” On the Move Partnership, Memorial University, St. John’s NL. April 21, 2020.
Lippel, Katherine and Barbara Neis (Eds.). (2019). Special Issue on Occupational Health and Safety and Employment-Related Geographical Mobility. New Solutions: A Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health Policy. 29(3).
Neis, Barbara and Katherine Lippel. (2019) “Occupational health and safety and the mobile workforce: insights from a Canadian research program.” Special Issue on Occupational Health and Safety and Employment-Related Geographical Mobility (Katherine Lippel and Barbara Neis Eds.). New Solutions: A Journal of Environmental and Occupational Health Policy. 29(3), pp. 297-316.
Neis, Barbara, Lachlan Barber, Kathy Fitzpatrick, Natasha Hanson, Christine Knott, Stepahie Premji, and Elise Thorburn. (2018). Fragile synchronicities: diverse, disruptive and constraining rhythms of employment-related geographical mobility, paid and unpaid work in the Canadian Context. Gender, Place & Culture. 26 (8): pp 1175-1192.
Fitzpatrick, Kathy, and Barbara Neis. (2015). “On the Move and Working Alone: Policy Implications of the Experiences of Unionized Newfoundland and Labrador Home Care Workers.” Policy and Practice in Health and Safety, 13(2): pp. 47-67.
Related links:
SafetyNet, Memorial University
Top ^Email: bneis@mun.ca