Will Silver is a PhD candidate in the Department of Sociology at the University of Alberta. His research interests are diverse and include the study of work and occupations, changing organizations, gender, family and social change. Will’s Master’s research with engineers examined the challenges and insecurities surrounding mobile work, and culminated with his thesis, Agents of Social Change? Itinerant Engineers in a Post-Industrial Society. For this project, Will will work collaboratively with members of the Alberta team as part of the fieldwork component, addressing questions around work/family balance and mobile work, as well as the social construction of mobile work.
His dissertation research investigates the role of the customer in shaping the structure and experience of work in large organizations in Canada. Here, mobility and commuting are two prominent themes that tie into the On the Move project. Will’s doctoral research is supported by a SSHRC Doctoral Fellowship. For On the Move, Will will be doing fieldwork in Alberta (as part of the Alberta team) and Ontario (as part of his thesis research).
Selected publications:
Dominique Clemént, Will Silver and Daniel Trottier. (2012). The Evolution of Human Rights in Canada. Ottawa: Canadian Human Rights Commission.
Related links:
Departmental page, University of Alberta
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