Emily Reid-Musson is an OFI postdoctoral fellow in the Department of Geography and SafetyNet at the Memorial University of Newfoundland. She is an interdisciplinary work and labour researcher with a background in human geography (PhD, Geography, University of Toronto) and public/occupational health (Postdoctoral fellowship, School of Public Health and Health Systems, University of Waterloo). Her research focuses on work, health and mobility in non-standard workplaces, with a particular emphasis on Canadian agriculture. Current research at Memorial University examines the ways small-scale fish harvesters use and interpret weather information to manage the impacts of weather hazards in their work at sea. She also leads an IDG funded study on the status of family farm workplaces under Alberta’s occupational health and safety and workers compensation laws.
Selected publications
Reid-Musson, E., MacEachen, E., Bartel, E., Saunders, R., Meyer, S., & Bigelow, P. (2020). Occupational Safety and the City: Licensing Regulation and Deregulation in the Taxi Sector. Relations Industrielles/Industrial Relations, 75(1), 101–122.
Reid-Musson, E. (2018). Intersectional rhythmanalysis: Power, rhythm, and everyday life. Progress in Human Geography, 42(6), 881–897.
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