Danielle Lorenz is a PhD candidate in the Department of Educational Policy Studies at the University of Alberta. Danielle was a research assistant on historic Métis labour migration for the On the Move Partnership from 2015-2019. She is the Knowledge Mobilization Editor for the Canadian Journal of Disability Studies, a long-time copyeditor for the Alberta Journal for Educational Research (AJER), and an Individual Learning Module Editor at NAIT. Danielle’s dissertation research examines the always-already existence of white settler colonialism within Alberta education systems. Other research interests include the likelihood of decolonization in higher education and K-12 systems of education, the pervasive nature of whiteness, autoethnography, syndactyly, critical disability studies.
Selected Publications:
Lorenz, D. (2020). Deformography: An autoethnography of syndactyly. Canadian Journal of Disability Studies, 9(1), 31-52. Retrieved from https://cjds.uwaterloo.ca/index.php/cjds/article/view/595
Gaudry, A., & Lorenz, D. E. (2018). Indigenization as inclusion, reconciliation, and decolonization: Navigating the different visions for indigenizing the Canadian Academy. AlterNative, 14(3), 218-227. https://doi.org/10.1177/1177180118785382
Gaudry, A., & Lorenz, D. (2018). Decolonization for the masses. In E. Tuck, K. W. Yang, L. T.
Smith (Eds.), Indigenous and decolonizing studies in Education: Mapping the long view (pp. 159-173. London, UK: Routledge.
Lorenz, D. (2013). Dream weaving as praxis: Turning culturally inclusive education and anti-racist education into a decolonial pedagogy. In Education, 19(2), 30-56. Retrieved from https://ineducation.ca/ineducation/article/view/144/601
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