The Newfoundland and Labrador Federation of Labour (NLFL) represents over 65,000 unionized workers from every sector of the province’s economy. First established in 1936, the Federation is dedicated to promoting a progressive civil society where no one gets left behind.
As a representative of working women and men from across Newfoundland and Labrador, the Federation has a wide range of knowledge about and experience with labour mobility. As it works to represent its members, a more informed understanding of employment-related geographical mobility among Newfoundland and Labrador workers will be of great value to the NLFL and will also help shape public policy in the future, especially in labour market development. A greater understanding of workers on the move is of great importance to the Federation and its affiliated unions and for the economic and social benefit of workers, families and their communities.
Partner representative: Kerry Murray, Director of Economic and Social Policy, NLFL
Partner website:
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