The Memorial University Faculty of Arts Digital Research Centre for Qualitative Fieldwork (DRCQF) is a facility dedicated to meeting the digital research needs of faculty members and graduate students engaged in qualitative research. The Centre ensures that researchers have access to high quality digital audio recorders, cameras, video equipment, software and training to support the collection, preservation, processing and analysis of qualitative field research data. The Centre also makes it possible for researchers to disseminate their research results back to the communities in which they work and to wider audiences in innovative ways.
As a partner with On the Move, the Centre is providing audiovisual recording equipment and training to the Partnership team; researchers also have access to the Centre for post-production activities and analysis of audiovisual data. As well, the Centre provides support for the audio-visual portion of and assists with generating digital materials for other forms of knowledge mobilization.
Partner representative: Derek Norman ( Coordinator, Digital Research Centre for Qualitative Fieldwork (
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