Unnur Dís Skaptadóttir is a Professor of Anthropology at the Faculty of Sociology, anthropology and folkloristics, University of Iceland. Her main fields of research include transformations in fishing communities in Iceland, gender, work, mobility, integration processes and transnationalism. Her primary research in recent years has been concerned with diverse aspects of the international employment-related geographical mobility of Poles and Filipinos to Iceland.
As a co-investigator with the On the Move Partnership Unnur brought an international perspective to the project and will collaborate with other On the Move researchers to compare aspects of her research in Iceland with employment-related migration in Canada. In order to do so she visited field sites in Canada and will work in collaboration with the Nova Scotia team.
Selected publications:
Wojtynska, A. and Skaptadóttir, U. D. (forthcoming). Reproduction of marginality: The labour market position of unemployed foreign citizens during economic recession in Iceland. Migration Studies
Skaptadóttir, U.D. 2019. Transnational Practices and Migrant Capital: The Case of Filipino Womenin Iceland. Social Inclusion,7(4): 211-220.
Skaptadóttir, U. D. and Wojtynska A. 2019. Sveigjanlegur vinnumarkaður og harkvinna erlends starfsfólks á Íslandi [Flexible labor market and precarious work conditions of migrant workers in Iceland]. Íslenska þjóðfélagið 10(2): 14-28.
Yingst, A. and Skaptadóttir U.D. 2018. Gendered labor in the Icelandic fish processing industry. Maritime studies, 17(2): 125-137.
Skaptadottir, U. D. and Innes, P. 2017. Immigrant experiences of learning Icelandic and connecting with the speaking community. Nordic Journal of Migration Research. 7(1): 20-27. DOI: 10.1515/njmr-2017-0001 NJMR
Rancew-Sikora, D. and Skaptadóttir U. D. (eds.) (2016). Mobility to the Edges of Europe: The Case of Iceland and Poland. Gdansk: SCHOLAR.
Skaptadóttir, U. D. and Rancew-Sikora, D. (2016). Introduction: Blurring boundaries in mobility studies. In Rancew-Sikora, D. and Skaptadóttir U. D. (eds.) (2016). Mobility to the Edges of Europe: The Case of Iceland and Poland. Gdansk: SCHOLAR.
Skaptadóttir, U. D. and Loftsdóttir, K. (2016). The tourist and the migrant worker: Different perceptions of mobility in Iceland. In Rancew-Sikora, D. and Skaptadóttir U. D. (eds.) (2016). Mobility to the Edges of Europe: The Case of Iceland and Poland. Gdansk: SCHOLAR.
Guðjónsdóttir, G., & Skaptadóttir, U.D. (2017). Migrating Within “the Gender-equal Nordic Region”: Icelandic Migrants in Norway and the Gendered Division of Work and Care. Nora–NordicJournal of Feminist and Gender Research, 25(2), 76- 90.
Skaptadóttir, U.D. (2015). Women and men on the move: from the Philippines to Iceland.In Faber,S.T. & Nielsen, H.P. (Eds.).Remapping Gender, Place and Mobility: Global Confluences andLocal Particularities in Nordic Peripheries (pp. 143-156). Surrey: Ashgate Publishing Limited.
Email: unnurd@hi.is
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