Sandrine Jean is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Anthropology at Memorial University. She holds a PhD in Urban Studies from INRS-UCS (Montreal) and has completed a MSc and a BA in Anthropology at University of Montreal. The research she has been conducting over the past years focuses on the different dimensions of the everyday life of young families, exploring themes of place attachment, neighbourhood choice, housing and mobility.
In collaboration with the On the Move Partnership, Sandrine examined how mobility and attachment are intertwined in Newfoundland and Labrador and Alberta families’ residential trajectories, housing choices and daily mobility. Her research aims to shed light on the impacts of employment-related geographical mobility on the experiences of balancing family and work lives. She is interested in understanding how daily lives, attachment to place and community sustainability are affected by employment-related geographic mobility, whether it involves long-distance commute of Fly-in/Fly-out.
Selected publications
JEAN, S., (2014). « Ville ou banlieue? Les choix résidentiels des jeunes familles de classe moyenne dans la grande région de Montréal » [City or Suburb? Residential Choices of Young Middle-class Families in the Greater Montreal Metropolitan Area], Recherches Sociographiques, vol. LV, no 1, p. 105-134
JEAN, S., GERMAIN, A., (2014). « La diversité ethnique croissante des quartiers de classes moyennes dans la métropole montréalaise : des jeunes familles perplexes » [The Growing Ethnic Diversity of Middle-class Neighborhoods in Montreal metropolitan area: Young Families and the Unexpected Other”] Canadian Ethnic Studies/Études ethniques au Canada, vol. 46, no 2, p. 1-23.
LAMBERT, G., HALEY, N., JEAN, S., FRAPPIER, J.-Y., OTIS, J., ROY, E., (2013). “Sexual Health of Adolescents in Residential Youth Protection Centres”, Canadian Journal of Public Health, vol.104, no 3, p.216-221.
JEAN, S., (2012). « Les représentations sociales de la ruralité et l’urbanité québécoise contemporaine. Une approche par la cartographie conceptuelle »,[Social Representations of Rurality and Urbanity in Present-day Quebec. A Concept Mapping Approach], Recherches sociographiques, vol.53, no 1, p.103-131.
Related links:
Department of Anthropology page, Memorial University
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