Peter R. Sinclair (Ph.D. Edinburgh), formerly University Research Professor in the Department of Sociology at Memorial University of Newfoundland, is now Professor Emeritus and Honourary Research Professor. His 10 books include From Traps to Draggers (1985), State Intervention and the Newfoundland Fisheries (1987), When the Fish Are Gone (1997), Living on the Edge: the Great Northern Peninsula of Newfoundland (1995), Power and Restructuring: Canada’s Coastal Society and Environment (2006) and Energy in Canada (2010). He has published over 150 refereed articles, book chapters, and book reviews since 1970 on a wide range of topics. His research and writing encompass global commodity networks and local restructuring, sociology of science in the context of fisheries management, the political ecology of resource-dependent areas, migration, environmental policy and interdisciplinary ecosystems theory. As a co-investigator with the On the Move Partnership, Peter Sinclair will be investigating statistical information on Employment-related Geographical Mobility and integrating this work with theory, policy and case studies.
Selected publications:
2012. “Labour migration and mobility in Newfoundland: Social transformation and community in three rural areas.” In The Social Transformation of Rural Canada: New Insights into Community, Culture and Citizenship, edited by M. Reed and John Parkins. Vancouver: UBC Press. pp 110-130. (M. MacDonald, P.R. Sinclair and D. Walsh).
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