Kelly Vodden is Associate Vice-President Research and Graduate Studies (Grenfell Campus) and Associate Professor (Research), Environmental Studies at the Grenfell Campus. She also has a cross-appointment with the Department of Geography, St. John’s Memorial University campus. Kelly is co-lead of the Newfoundland and Labrador field component of On the Move. She is responsible, along with Dr. Heather Hall, for research focused on the nickel processing sector, regional stakeholder engagement (with Dr. Rob Greenwood) and for the analysis of community and regional-level impacts and responses to E-RGM in the Isthmus of the Avalon region.
Kelly has been actively involved in community and regional development research, policy and practice in Canadian rural communities since 1995, including projects related to local labour market development, industrial benefits and corporate-community relations. She was a co-investigator of a multi-year project investigating intra-provincial commuting patterns and active labour market approaches (Rural-Urban Interaction in Newfoundland and Labrador: Understanding and Managing Functional Regions, 2007-2011). She is also Principal Investigator of the SSHRC-funded study Canadian regional development: a critical review of theory, practice and potentials (2010-2013) and has published and presented widely on her work.
Selected publications:
Vodden, K., G. Baldacchino and R. Gibson (Eds.) Submitted. Place Peripheral: The Promise and Challenge of Place-Based Development in Rural and Remote Regions. St. John’s, NL: Institute of Social and Economic Research (ISER) Books.
Vodden, K., Gibson, R. and Porter, M. Submitted. A Brighter Future for Whom? Rural and regional development in the Williams era. In Marland, A. and M. Kerby (Eds.), Politics and Public Policy in Newfoundland and Labrador, McGill-Queens University Press.
Porter, M. and K. Vodden. 2012. The Analysis of Municipal Readiness for Socio-Economic Development Opportunities in the Communities Located on the Isthmus of Avalon Region: Final Report. Prepared for the Rural Secretariat – Executive Council and Isthmus municipalities.
Lysenko, E. and K. Vodden. 2011. Applicability of the Local Labour Market Development Approach in Newfoundland and Labrador: A Case Study of the Avalon Gateway Region (Economic Zone 18). Report prepared for the Project Steering Committee.
Skeard, J., C. Holloway, and K. Vodden. 2011. The Analysis of Labour Market Factors Impacting Primary Industries in the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador, with a special interest in the Clarenville-Bonavista Rural Secretariat region. Report prepared for the Clarenville-Bonavista Rural Secretariat Regional Council.
Gibson, R. and K. Vodden. 2010. Regional Collaboration and the Economy of the Burin Peninsula. Prepared for Burin Peninsula Regional Council.
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Faculty page, Memorial University
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