Kara A. Arnold is a Professor of Organizational Behaviour and Human Resource Management at the Faculty of Business Administration at Memorial University in St. John’s, NL, Canada. During her tenure at Memorial she has served as the Associate Dean, Research, Director of the PhD and MSc programs, and Area Group Coordinator. Her research focuses on transformational leadership, employee and leader well-being, and gender issues in organizations. Her work has been published in a number of journals such as the Academy of Management Perspectives, Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, Work & Stress, Journal of Applied Psychology, Human Resource Management, and Leadership & Organization Development Journal, in various book chapters, and has been presented at leading international conferences. In her organizational consulting on leadership, employee well-being and gender equity, she focuses on the practical application of research findings.
As a co-investigator with the On the Move Partnership, Kara Arnold conducted online surveys of human resource professionals, union stewards, and small business owners, seeking to understand the experience, challenges, and best practices related to employment related geographical mobility across these different contexts.
Top ^Email: arnoldk@mun.ca