Jason Foster Foster is Associate Professor, Human Resources and Labour Relations at Athabasca University. His research interests include migrant workers, union renewal, labour history and diversity and equity in unions. His most recent research focuses on the growth of migrant labour in Canada, its labour market effects and union responses. He is a Research Fellow at the Parkland Institute . He is the author of Defying Expectations: The Case of UFCW Local 401 and co-author of Health and Safety in Canadian Workplaces. Before moving into academic circles, Jason spent many years working in labour relations for the labour movement and a variety of non-profit organizations.As part of the On the Move Partnership, Jason Foster looked at the policy related to temporary foreign workers in Canada, specifically the labour market and occupational health and safety effects of the recent influx of temporary foreign workers over the past decade.
Selected publications:
Foster, J. & Luciano, M. (2020). In The Shadows: Living and Working Without Status in Alberta. Edmonton: Parkland Institute.
Foster, J. and Barnetson, B. (2017). “Who’s on Secondary?: The Impact of Temporary Foreign Workers on Alberta Construction Employment Patterns”. Labour/Le Travail 80: 27-53
Foster, J. (2016). “Solidarity on the TransCanada: The Role of Immigrant Activism and Innovative Union Tactics in the 2005 Lakeside Packers Strike”. Labour/Le Travail 78: 197-218.
Foster, J., Taylor, A. and Kahn, C. (2015). “The Dynamics of Union Responses to Migrant Workers in Canada”. Work, Employment and Society 29(3) 409–426.
Foster, J. and Barnetson, B. (2015). “The Construction of Migrant Work and Workers by Alberta Legislators, 2000-2011”. Canadian Ethnic Studies 47(1). 107-131.
Foster, J. (2014). From “Canadians First” to “Workers Unite”: Evolving Union Narratives of Migrant Workers. Relations Industrielle/Industrial Relations 69(2) 241-265.
Taylor, A. and Foster, J. (2015). Migrant Workers and the Problem of Social Cohesion in Canada. Journal of International Migration and Integration 16(1). 153-172.
Barnetson, B. and Foster, J. (2014). Political Justification of Migrant Workers in Alberta. Journal of International Migration and Integration 15(2). 349-370.
Foster, J. and Taylor, A. (2013). In the Shadows: Exploring the Notion of ‘Community’ for Temporary Foreign Workers in a Boom Town. Canadian Journal of Sociology 38(2). 167-190.
Selected links:
Faculty page, Athabasca University
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