Families, Work and Mobility Edited Collection
Call for Abstracts/Stories and Poems
Deadline: March 15, 2020
The On the Move Partnership (www.onthemovepartnership.ca), Tale of Two Islands Project and the Vanier Institute of the Family (https://vanierinstitute.ca) are collaborating in the development of a proposal to ISER Books (https://www.hss.mun.ca/iserbooks) for the publication of an open-access edited book of short academic articles, stories, poetry, and photos focused on families, work and extended/complex mobility in the Canadian context. The book will be co-edited by Barbara Neis (Project Director On the Move), Christina Murray (Project Director Tale of Two Islands) and Nora Spinks (CEO of the Vanier). If our proposal is accepted, the edited collection will be published online where it will be freely downloadable and will also be published in hard copy. It will peer-reviewed through the ISER Books process.
The basic concept is to include in the book a mixture of pieces ranging from research summaries (up to 5,000 words) through stories from the field, to short stories, poetry, photographic essays and possibly other types of pieces. We would like to include pieces that encompass explorations of things that drive entry into complex/extended mobility, the experience and consequences of that mobility as these relate to families and experiences/processes associated with exiting from mobility. In addition to pieces focused on experiences with mobility, we are also interested in pieces that are based in the knowledge/experience of those who serve and support mobile workers including family members, community organizations and others. We would like to include pieces from across the mobility spectrum from daily commutes to/within work to international mobility into or out of Canada for work across diverse sectors, types of employment, regions, family types and populations (Indigenous and immigrant families, rural and urban, etc).
If you are interested in contributing to this book, please submit a short description of the piece you would like to submit (maximum 150 words) by March 15, 2020. Each submission must include a title, author(s) and contact information, and a succinct summary. The summary description should include information on the type of submission, and the aims/objectives of the piece. The incorporation of photographs and other kinds of visual material is encouraged. Short, box type pieces are also encouraged.
Please submit summary descriptions to Barbara Neis at bneis@mun.ca. Submissions will be reviewed by the co-editors. You will be notified of acceptance by the co-editors by April 7, 2020. Accepted descriptions will be incorporated into the written proposal to ISER Books for the edited collection. We anticipate a rapid turn-around of the proposal by ISER Books and hope we will be able to update contributors by the end of April 2020 on the status of the proposal and timeline for completion of the manuscript for submission for peer review.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Barb Neis, Christina Murray and Nora Spinks.
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